As a rule of thumb, potential renters should earn approximately 3x the proposed rental amount per month. Circumstances may vary, but this is an excellent method to determine whether or not the prospective rental property is a good fit for your family budget. For example, if the proposed rent is $1,500, the gross (before tax) total income into your household from all sources should be approximately $4,500 or more. Keep in mind that gross income sources include wages, alimony, pensions, child support, social security and so forth.
STEP #3:
Please download the rental application to your computer and fill it out carefully, providing as much detail as possible to ensure proper processing. Once completed, save the application for your files and email a copy to info@homesteadmgt.com. Do not forget to include a copy of a valid driver's license or other photo identification along with two (2) proofs of income (pay stubs, pension checks, alimony payments, etc) with your completed application. Downloading the application to your computer and printing it out for manual completion is acceptable as well.
**NOTE: If filling out the application form digitally, please use Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at https://get.adobe.com/reader/. For best results, please fill out forms on a laptop or desktop computer, as mobile support for PDF forms
is limited at this time.